Which sales methodology is best?
Solution Selling
And tons more.
I get often asked which I use,
Although I've tried a lot of them, I usually ran into 2 problems:
#1 It felt inauthentic to me and felt too rigid.
#2 It seemed to miss key components that would cause me to lose deals.
That's why I created the POWERFUL™ sales methodology.
It's what allowed me to close at 54.7% on average over the last 6 months.
With a 97.7% show-up rate.
You might be asking, what does "POWERFUL" stand for?
It stands for:
P - Pain
O - Opportunity Cost
W - Wants
E - Executive-Level Influence
R - Resources
F - Fear of Failure
U - Unequivocal Trust
L - Little Things
If you want to learn how to use the POWERFUL™ selling system to predictably close at 40%+, check out this training below.
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