According to, 82% of buyers think salespeople are unprepared.
And 58% of buyers report that sales reps are unable to to answer their questions.
That means over HALF the time, WE (yes, salespeople as a whole) are making the industry look bad.
It's no wonder why most people do NOT trust salespeople.
We are living in a post-trust economy, where buyers are smart, savvy, and have more information walking into a sales call than ever before.
Skepticism is at an all-time high and it's harder to sell than ever.
Here's the good news:
If you know this to be true, then you'll do EVERYTHING in your power to increase TRUST with prospects.
Trust is the foundation of how all deals are closed.
(Why else would the elite be known as "trusted advisors"?)
There are many ways to build trust.
Some are gimmicky and lame.
And some are proven and timeless.
This week, I'm going to share with you 8 proven ways to earn trust with cold prospects.
I know the better you can build trust..
The faster the deal cycles...
The higher the win rate.
Check out this week's training on 8 Ways to Earn Trust.
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